62 - 62A, Ch. de Morigeau, Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud G0R 3A0

Enter the mortgage amount, the amortization period and the interest rate, then click «Calculate Payment» to obtain the periodic payment.
- OR -
Specify the payment you wish to perform and click «Calculate principal» to obtain the amount you could borrow. You must specify an interest rate and an amortization period.
*Results for illustrative purposes only.
*Rates are compounded semi-annually.
It is possible that your payments differ from those shown here.
Immeuble à revenus à vendre à St-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud. Offrant 3 x 4½ NC/NÉ et 4 chambres à louer ainsi qu'une section maison. Zonage permissif, possibilité d'y mettre un petit commerce. Terrain de + 17 000 p² situé à proximité d'un parc, rivière ensemencée. Idéale pour propriétaire occupant ou investisseur. VOIR ADDENDA. Prise de possession à discuter.
Sale without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer's risk
Description sheet
Rooms and exterior features
Potential Gross Revenue
Assessment, Taxes and Expenses